OOW 2012

I finally have time to sit down and write about my trip to Oracle Openworld this year; it was my first time to the west coast as well.  Overall, I thought that San Francisco was a pretty city and the piers were nice to visit.  Now, more on Openworld.
Being that this was my first time at Openworld, I didn’t know what to expect.  Not only was it my first trip to Openworld, it was the first time I would be presenting at a conference.  I was nervous to say the least.  I was presenting on “Controlling Operational Costs with OEM 12c”.  After seeing multiple 12c presentations throughout the week, I was really worried about people showing to my presentation.  In the end, I had about 30 people show up and looked to be interested in what I was saying.  So, if you were in the session, thanks for showing up!
Openworld itself was five days of networking and seeing what others are doing within the industry.  I enjoyed many of the presentation; I was especially interested in sessions that covered aspects of OEM 12c and Golden Gate.
On the OEM 12c sessions, I attended a session on using Metric Extensions.  The speaker was knowledgeable on the topic and gave good examples of how to use them within OEM.  At the end of the session, I really wanted to talk with her, but the audience basically rushed the stage to talk with her.  I figured I would run into her somewhere and the next morning I ran into her and had a very good conversation.
Later that day, I attended a session on Conflict Detection and Resolution (CDR) for the current release of Golden Gate (11.2).  I was really impressed that they were able to take the detection and resolution and get it down to a one-liner within the replicat parameter file.  This is going to save me so much time; however, it was not a magic bullet, but close.
Overall, Oracle Openworld was an interesting experience and I’m looking forward to going back next year, if I get selected to present again.  Challenge for next year: get accepted to present once again!
CON4220 : Controlling Operational Costs with OEM12c

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