GoldenGate monitoring–command line

Over the last few years I’ve been working with Oracle Golden Gate (OGG) and the one thing that is an interesting topic with OGG is what is the best way to monitor the environment.  To be honest, there are a few different ways to monitor OGG; yet the simplest is from the command line.  (Yea, for command line junkies).  What I want to show you in this posting is a quick script that can be used to check all the associated objects with OGG.  Below is the script that I created to report on the status of all objects.



export ORACLE_SID=<ora_SID>
export ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>
export ORACLE_BASE=<oracle_base>
export GGS_HOME=<ogg_home>
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin

echo “######################################################################”
echo `date +%d/%m/%Y\ %k:%M:%S`
$GGS_HOME/ggsci <<EOF
info all

Based on the script provided above, if ran, we will see all the relative information associated with OGG on the current host.  Monitoring OGG from the command line is simple and straight forward by using shell scripts.  Using the example provided, you should be able to create additional scripts that can meet your monitoring needs.


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