ggMessage.dat error when running GGSCI

In configuring Golden Gate environments, I always use a separate operating system user.  This user tends to be named something along the lines of “ggate” or “gg”.  This makes it simple to identify the purpose of the user.  However, when installing Golden Gate under a different OS user, there are a few things that need to be taken care of to ensure that everything works as expected.  One such thing is the profile for the user.  I tend to use bash shell a good bit; this means I need to make all the environment changes for the user in the .bash_profile.  Not a big deal and simple to do.

One of the environment variables that I set in the .bash_profile is for Golden Gate Home, typically set to something like GG_HOME.  Then I place this into the path variable.  Allowing me access to the GGSCI command from anywhere as long as it is sourced.



export PATH

Doing a which ggsci will show me where the GGSCI command is

ggate@<host_name>:~ >which ggsci

Now that I have access to the GGSCI command from anywhere, I want to start using it and interacting with Golden Gate.

ggate@<host_name>:~ >ggsci

Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
Version 17435036 OGGCORE_11.
Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Oct  3 2013 02:39:46

Copyright (C) 1995, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


GGSCI (<host_name>) 1>

Great, GGSCI started.  Now I’ll issue an INFO ALL command to see what is running in this environment.

GGSCI (<host_name>) 1> info all
Cannot load ICU resource bundle ‘ggMessage’, error code 2 – No such file or directory
Cannot load ICU resource bundle ‘ggMessage’, error code 2 – No such file or directory
ggate@<host_name>:~ >

Notice, I was given an error message referencing the “ggMessage”.  What is this about?  In short, the Golden Gate command is looking for the “ggMessage.dat” file which is not in the current directory where we are started GGSCI.  This file is actually located in the Golden Gate home directory.  We can verify this by doing an ls –ltr $GG_HOME/*.dat.

ggate@<host_name>:~ >ls -ltr $GG_HOME/*.dat
-rw-r—– 1 ggate ggate 1317248 Oct  3 01:49 /u01/app/oracle/ggate/ggMessage.dat

Does this mean that we can only start the GGSCI command tool from the Golden Gate Home?  Sadly, the answer is yes.  The reason, I say this is because GGSCI is looking specifically for the ggMessage.dat file.  The workaround is to create a soft link to the ggMessage.dat from the directory where you want to run GGSCI from (don’t think you want soft links all over the server though).


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