OGG-00212, what a frustrating error.

Normally, I don’t mind errors when I’m working with Oracle GoldenGate (OGG); I actually like getting errors, keeps me on my toes and gives me something to solve.  Clients on the other hand do not like errors…LOL.  Solving errors in OGG is normally pretty straight forward with the help of the documentation.  Although today I can almost disagree with the docs.

Today, as I’ve been working on implementing a solution with OGG 11.1.x on the source side and OGG 11.2.x on the target side, this error came up as I was trying to start the OGG 11.1.x Extracts:

OGG-00212  Invalid option for MAP: PMP_GROUP=@GETENV(“GGENVIRONMENT”.

OGG-00212  Invalid option for MAP:  TOKENS(.

In looking around in the OGG documentation and other resources (online and offline).  Some errors are self-explanatory; not in the case of OGG-00212.  Looking up the error in OGG 11.1.x docs was pointless; didn’t exist.  When I finally found the error in the docs for OGG 11.2.x, the docs say:

OGG-00212: Invalid option for [0]:{1}
Cause: The parameter could not be parsed because the specified option is invalid.
Action: Fix the syntax

Now that the documentation has stated the obvious, how is the error actually corrected?  There is no easy way to correct this error because it is syntax related.  In the case that I’m having the error was being thrown due to needing additional spaces in the TABLE mapping.  Silly I know, but true.  

Keep in mind, to fix an OGG-00212 error, especially with OGG 11.1.x or older, remember to add spaces where you many not think one is needed.

Example (causes the error):

TABLE <schema>.SETTINGS,TOKENS( #opshb_info() );

Example (fixed the error):

TABLE <schema>.SETTINGS, TOKENS ( #opshb_info() );

Notice the space between the common (,) and TOKEN. Also between TOKENS and the open parentheses (().  Those simple changes fixed the OGG-00212 error I was getting.

Hope this helps!







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