GoldenGate StreamAdmin account via Python


A few years ago, I wrote a blog post called “Where is my StreamAdmin account”?  This post was related to how security worked within Oracle GoldenGate (Microservices). At the same time, I provided a quick cURL command on how to build a “StreamAdmin” account.  Some time after that, I decided to write the same implemenation of the account in Python.  The code that follows is from the python script that I wrote.  

I’ve had this sitting on the shelf for last few years due to global issues, if you know what I mean. Hopefully, it can help a few people understand how to interact with Oracle GoldenGate (Microservices) via Python.    

import requests

#global variables and lists
gg_servers_admin = ['localhost', '16001', 'localhost', '17001']
gg_payload = ['credential', 'Welcome1', 'info', 'Stream Admin', 'type', 'Basic', 'user', 'streamadmin']
gg_header = ['cache-control', 'no-cache']
vlist = []
vPayload = []
vHeader = []
vcURL = []

#Get server and port number from list
for i in range(0, len(gg_servers_admin),2):
vlist.append(gg_servers_admin[i] + ':' + gg_servers_admin[i+1])

#Get payload information
for p in range(0,len(gg_payload),2):
vPayload.append('"' + gg_payload[p] + '":"' + gg_payload[p+1] + '"')

#Get header information
for h in range(0, len(gg_header),2):
vHeader.append('"' + gg_header[h] + '":"' + gg_header[h+1] + '"')

#Build cURL components
for x in vlist:
vUrl = 'https://'
vEndPoint = '/services/v2/authorizations/'
vRole = 'Administrator'
vUser = 'streamadmin'

vurl = vUrl + x + vEndPoint + vRole + '/' + vUser


#Build Payload
vpayload = '{'

for y in vPayload:
vpayload = vpayload + y + ','
vpayload = vpayload.rstrip(',')

vpayload = vpayload + '}'


vheader = '{'

#Build Header
for z in vHeader:
vheader = vheader + z + ','
vheader = vheader.rstrip(',')

vheader = vheader + '}'


for c in vcURL:
print c

response = requests.request("POST", vurl, data=vpayload, headers=vheader)

print (response.text)


For more examples of what can be done, check out a few Python scripts I wrote a few years ago –  All scripts are in my public GitHub (here) and this will get filled in more as more projects are done.

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