Defining Resources in #GoldenGate Studio 12c

As I’ve been working with the beta of GoldenGate Studio 12c, I have tried to do simple things to see what will break and what is needed to make the process work. One of the things that I lilke about the studio is that prior to creating any solutions, mappings or projects, you can define what databases and GoldenGate instances will be used during the design process. What I want to show you in this blog post is how to create the database resource and the GoldenGate instance resource.

Creating a Resource:

To create a database resource, after opening GoldenGate Studio, go to the Resource tab. On this tab, you will see that is it empty. This is because no resources have been created yet.

In the left hand corner of the Resources tab, you should see a folder with a small arrow next to it. When you click on the arrow, you are provided with a context menu that provides you with three options for resources (Databases, Global Mappings, and GoldenGate Instances).

Database Resources:

Now that you know how to select what resrouce you want to create, lets create a database resource. To do this, select the database resource from the context menu. This will open up a one page wizard/dialog for you to fill out the connection information for the database you want to use as a resource.

You will notice there are a few fields that need to be populated. Provide the relative information you need to connect to the database. Once you all the information has been provided, you can test the connection to validate that it works before clicking ok.

Once you click ok, the database resource will be added to the resrouce tab under database header.

Notice that the database is automatically connected to once it is created. This allows you to immediately start using the resource for mappings and global mappings.

GoldenGate Instance Resources:

The GoldenGate Instance resources are a little more complex to configure. This is due to the requirement that the GoldenGate environment has to have the GoldenGate Monitoring Agent (aka. JAgent ( running. This is the same JAgent that is used with the OEM plug-in. If you need more information on how to install and configure the JAgent, you can find it at this here.

Now, to create a new GoldenGate Instance resource, you follow the same approach as you would to create a database resource; instead of selecting database; select GoldenGate Instance. This will open up the GoldenGate Instance wizard/dialog for you to fill out. Provide all the information requested.

In setting up the GoldenGate Instance, there are a few things that you need to provide. In my opinion, the names of the items requested in the GoldenGate Information section are misleading. To make this a bit easier, I’m providing an explanation of what each field means.

GoldenGate Version: This is the version of GoldenGate running with the JAgent
GoldenGate Database Type: Database which GoldenGate is running against. There are multiple opptions here
GoldenGate Port: This is the port number of the manager process
Agent Username: This is the username that is defined in $GGAGENT_HOME/cfg/
Agent Password: This is the password that is created and stored in the datastore for the JAgent
Agent Port: This is the JMX port number that is defined in $GGAGENT_HOME/cfg/

After providing all the required information, you can then perform a test connection. If the connection is successful, then you can click “ok” to create the GoldenGate Instance resource. If the connection fails, then you need to confirm all your settings.

Once all the resources you need for designing your GoldenGate architecture is done, you will see all the rsources under the Resource tab.

Now that you know how to create resources in GoldenGate Studio, it will help you in designing your replication flows.


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