how to start with oem12c

This last week I have been at Oracle Open World.  On Sunday, I maxed out my time by presenting 2 speaking sessions and then participating in a panel for IOUG on OEM 12c.  One of the questions that I was asked during the panel discussion was “How does an organization get started with OEM12c”?  This question, I believe is quite simple.  The short answer is download the binaries from either or site.  Once these files have been download, then a server is needed to install it and to do general testing.   Don’t forget, you need a database for a repository.

When testing Oracle Enterprise Manager, it is good to make sure that you have all the prerequisites established before you start installing.  What I have found to work for a small environment is the following:

Disk Space:

The installation of the OEM product itself is pretty simple and straight forward.  Once installed, spending some time exploring the application is needed to make sure everything is configured as needed.


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