Adding internal targets to #em12c agents manually

This post is meant to be more of a note for me to refer to later, but it is also good to share knowledge so here you go.

Note: Hostnames are blacked out for a reason. Commands are the same though.

Recently, I just installed an em agent using the silent install method I blogged about earlier (here). After installing the agent, everything was working fine and the agent could upload to the OMS. As I started to look around, within EM, I noticed that the host was not being monitored. I confirmed this by using “emctl config agent listtargets” in $EM_AGENT_HOME/bin.

In most cases, the agent installation, silent or otherwise, will pick up the host and turn the host from unmanaged host to manage host. Not in this case. So how can the host be discovered now?

In order to re-discover the host target on the machine, I needed to run “emctl config agent addInternalTargets”. This forced the agent to go out and rediscover the host and any potential targets on the host. Once it returns to the command prompt, then I ran “emctl config agent listtargets” again to verify that the host is now discovered.


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